Postpartum Vision Workbook


Gain insights into how you may like your postpartum to be so you can adapt as life changes. A plan is a map of possibilities for the first time or subsequent.

This workbook is a reflective journal with prompts and information. A positive first step towards a calm and confident after birth.

Understand what some of your full body ‘yes’s’ and ‘no’s’ are before baby arrives. Giving you the opportunity to create ways for you to articulate how you want support for the early days. This is just the start, and it may go a long way for your overall parenthood journey.

You may have baby in your arms. This useful tool may support you to understand what your needs are and to start making the changes you want. Your map of after birth may evolve over time as you gain more confidence in your new rhythm.

Preparing for postpartum is one act of self love for your future and present mama/parent self. You’re are worth love.

Bonus two recipes for postpartum.

Format: Digital PDF Copy (22 pages)

Written and compiled by Shaadeh Khadembashy (Held and Wiser)

Note: Please respect the time and love that I poured into creating this for you. If you want to gift this workbook to a family or friend you can purchase a copy for them. Support mothers in small business by buying a copy and refraining from reproducing and sharing. Thanks for your support.